Summer Lawn Watering Tips for a Pest Free Yard

Summer Lawn Watering Tips for a Pest Free Yard

Apr 12th 2024

Summer is an exciting time to spend in your outdoor space and hold BBQs, lawn parties, and pool parties with your loved ones. Therefore, every homeowner tries to make their lawn healthy and lush before the hot weather. One excellent way to ensure a thriving lawn is by efficiently watering it in the summer heat. Summer lawn watering is all about providing adequate water without overdoing it. The only problem is that your yard can be invaded by swarming pests that want to ruin your summer fun. Over- and underwatering can lead to poor growth and possible pests, disease, and weed problems.

Your yard is a space to relax and enjoy, not to fight off ticks, wasps, and mosquitos all the time. So, you shouldn't let the ants, ticks, mosquitos, and other pests keep you away from it. Here are summer lawn watering tips to ensure your yard is pest-free and ready for the hot weather.

Water Your Lawn Correctly

There is a right and wrong way to water your plants and grass. Choosing the wrong way can affect your grass and invite pests to breed. Summer does not mean you should water your lawn in large quantities frequently. Overwatering causes more harm to your plants and grass than under-watering. The majority of established lawns need an inch of water per week. However, the amount of water your lawn requires depends on your grass type, soil type, weather conditions, and shade in your yard.

How Often Should You Water Your Lawn?

Water your grass and plants around an inch per week. An inch of water can moisten the top 6 to 8 inches of soil where roots grow. You can increase the watering frequency during hot periods to maintain a healthy lawn. One application of deep water every 4-5 days is enough. However, sandy soil types may need water every 3-4 days. Avoid overwatering your lawn, which can lead to pest and disease problems.

Identify the Type of Grass

Another summer lawn watering tip to improve water efficiency is identifying the grass type in your lawn. You may identify the grass by examining its youngest leaves from the middle of a shoot.

Newly seeded grass needs consistent moisture in dry periods, so keep it moist, but don't overwater. Water the seedlings daily until they grow about three inches high. Then, reduce watering to twice a week until the grass is established.

Cool-season grass types like Kentucky Bluegrass and perennial ryegrass go dormant in drought, so they need more moisture. However, they revive after the rain or when irrigation resumes.

Warm-season grasses like bermudagrass, centipedegrass, zoysia, and St. Augustinegrass thrive in hot conditions. Their deep root systems help them survive drought, so they need less water than cool-season turf types.

What is the Best Time to Water Your Lawn?

The best time to water your plants and lawn is early morning. Watering in the afternoon is never a good idea because a large amount of water is lost to evaporation. If you can't water in the morning, you can do so in the evening between 4 and 6 p.m. However, it is recommended to avoid evening and overnight watering. The later you water your lawn, the greater the chances of creating thriving conditions for pests and fungal diseases.

Remove Standing Water

Pests, especially mosquitos, are drawn to standing water, and females lay their eggs in water. Make sure to regularly check and remove the sources of standing water, such as birdbaths, clogged gutters, buckets, kiddie pools, and empty flowerpots. Change the water every two or three days to keep bird baths fresh. If your yard has a pond, consider adding fish that eat larvae. If anything in your lawn is pooling water, it means the source of the mosquito problem is there. You will see a significant improvement after eliminating all pools of water.

Inspect Your Irrigation System

Proper installation and irrigation or sprinkler systems are crucial for a healthy and pest-free yard. A sprinkler system is an efficient method of watering your lawn evenly. However, if the irrigation components are damaged and not functioning properly, it will do more harm to your lawn than good.

Inspect your irrigation system for leaks or broken sprinkler heads. These can cause puddles or pools of water to form, which are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitos. Replace the damaged heads and ensure the system is working correctly.

Related Post: 2024 Summer Guide to Lawn Sprinklers

Choose the Right Type of Sprinklers for Your Lawn

The type of sprinkler you choose to irrigate your yard also affects the lawn's health. Sprinklers are not one size fits all. When buying lawn sprinklers, you should consider the size and shape of your lawn, soil type, and budget. Here is how to choose the right type of sprinkler for your yard.

Small Yards: Pop-up sprinklers, stationary sprinklers

Medium Yards: Rotary sprinklers, hose-end sprinklers

Wide & Large Yards: Rotary sprinklers

Yards with several obstacles: Impact sprinklers

Large Lawns & Rectangular-shaped Yard: Oscillating sprinklers

Use low-angle sprinkler heads near the turf to reduce evaporation. If you notice a water fog or mist around the heads, lower the water stream.

DripWorks carries many best-class lawn sprinklers, sprinkler joints, adapters, and adjustment tools. Browse our collection of lawn sprinklers!

Water Near Trees

Trees have extensive root networks that absorb a significant amount of water daily and draw moisture from the top of the soil. As a result, the grass surrounding the tree shows signs of stress first before grass in other areas of your lawn. So, if there are trees in your yard, increase the watering frequency of grass around trees to prevent brown and dry spots.

Related Post: Lawn Care and Landscape Tips for the Summer

Bonus Tips to Keep Your Yard Beautiful and Pest Free this Summer

In addition to the above, you should pay attention to a few more crucial things. Here are some additional and essential tips to keep pests away from your yard and home.

Mow Your Lawn Regularly

An overgrown and messy lawn provides plenty of hiding spots for pests. Keeping your grass short and tended will help keep your pets and yard away from unwanted guests like ants and ticks. These pests love long grass. Mowing your lawn will uncover the pests, and they will either be eaten by birds or run off to find a new hiding place.

Maintain Your Landscape

A well-maintained and clean yard is less attractive to pests. Trim shrubs, trees, and bushes to remove hiding spots. Rake up leaves and clear out debris from your yard regularly.

Clean and Cover Trash Cans

Garbage cans attract a lot of pests, such as ants, flies, and rodents. Clean and disinfect your trash bins regularly. It is best to keep them at some distance away from gathering areas. Additionally, store trash in sealed and covered cans to reduce odor and prevent pests from interrupting your activities.

Add Insect-repellant Plants

Planting certain pest-repellent flowers and herbs can keep pests away from your yard. Some plants that serve as natural pest deterrents include basil, rosemary, lavender, lemongrass, chrysanthemums, and marigolds.

Don't Store Wood Close to Your Home

Storing rotting wood or firewood near your home can invite termites, ants, and other pests into your living spaces. Keep the wood pile elevated and away from your home to keep your outdoor space looking beautiful and pest-free.

The Bottom Line

Remember, the responsibility of maintaining a healthy, lush lawn and keeping pests at bay lies in your hands. Proper watering is the key, and by following these tips, you can ensure your yard remains pest-free.

DripWorks carries top brands of lawn sprinklers to meet your unique landscaping needs and transform your average-looking lawn into a lush green oasis in a hot summer. Explore our collection of lawn sprinklers here, or contact our irrigation experts today!