How To Grow Peppers in Containers

How To Grow Peppers in Containers

Aug 30th 2023

Do you want to grow your own peppers? If you are, it's well worth considering growing them in containers, as this can offer multiple benefits.

Container gardening has become increasingly popular. After all, containers allow you to grow peppers in small spaces, and you can also move them around to suit your space needs. Not only this, but growing peppers in containers also allows for pest and disease management since the containers create a physical barrier between the plants and the ground, where many pathogens and pests reside.

So, now that you know the benefits of yielding peppers in containers, let's jump straight into how you can grow them!

How to grow peppers in containers

We've created a step-by-step guide on how to grow peppers in containers below.

  • Selecting your container

You should choose a ceramic, plastic, or clay container with at least a 12-inch diameter. After all, larger containers can provide plenty of room for the peppers' root systems to develop.

  • Choosing your potting mix

We recommend using organic potting soil mix for your container as it tends to be nutrient-rich and well-draining. Avoid garden soil, as this may not offer the perfect conditions for growing peppers. Fill the container with the mix, leaving around one inch of space below the pot's rim.

  • Planting your seeds

Plant your pepper seeds in the container's middle. Check the seed packet's instructions for recommendations on planting spacing and depth.

  • Considering sunlight

Place your peppers inside or outside in a sunny area so they gain around 6 to 8 hours of sunlight daily.

  • Watering your peppers

You'll need to keep your soil consistently moist but never waterlogged, watering slowly but deeply and avoiding wetting the plant's leaves. You could also try drip irrigation to ensure your plants are watered consistently. Our Garden Bed Kit and Deck Garden Kit will be able to help you out with this.

  • Using fertilizer

Peppers can benefit from regular fertilization, although you should only begin fertilizing them when they are actively growing and blooming flowers.

  • Supporting your peppers

Some varieties of peppers need support to grow properly. Using stakes to stop the plant from falling over can help with this.

  • Monitoring for pests and diseases

While containers typically solve the problem of pests and diseases, you should still manage insects on indoor plants by checking no spider mites, aphids, and other common pests are spoiling your plants. Remove any impacted fruits and leaves and use organic insecticidal soap to address further issues. To avoid fungal diseases, ensure your peppers get proper ventilation and the right amount of water.

  • Harvesting your peppers

Your peppers are ready to be picked when they mature in color and size. Picking mature peppers can encourage the plant to produce more in their place. The only thing left to do is to enjoy the fresh and flavorful taste of your homegrown peppers in an array of delicious meals!

Following container garden maintenance tips can ensure you grow peppers successfully in containers next harvest. You should carefully water, fertilize, and select the appropriate container size for your peppers. If you'd like to learn more about everything to do with gardening, visit our blog